imitation rolex

Sound Identity and Brand Experience

A strong brand knows all of its territories, including the sound.

When we talk about a brand book or brand guide, immediately we think about the construction of visual and verbal identity. Unfortunately, this has become a commodity on the branding universe. It is important to realise how to translate this concept to a sound universe in order to stand out on the market. We provide an array of solutions that will change significantly the involvement of people with your brand through sound, creating new connections possibilities with users, this is sheer innovation.


Sound UX

Design pensado através do som para tornar
produtos e serviços únicos.

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Sound ID

Nossa visão e expertise em potencializar o uso
do som a favor da estratégia de Marca.

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Sound Production

Aliamos nosso Mindset de Sound Thinking a uma
Produção Sonora mais inteligente e contemporânea.

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Sound Lab

Nossa escuta quanto a novas tecnologias e o
comportamento humano a serviço da Marca.

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