imitation rolex

Sound Lab

Inovação e som.

Através da busca de macrotendências, muita pesquisa e, claro, uma boa dose de criatividade, conseguimos sair do âmbito subjetivo e compreender como o som impacta efetivamente cada contexto. Para investigar e mensurar esse impacto, montamos squads especializados em cada desafio. Assim, criamos insumos para fundamentar e dar vida a projetos sonoros inovadores focados em novas tecnologias, tendências e comportamento humano. Tem algum projeto muito inovador que envolva novas tecnologias? Fala com a gente!!

Related services

Sound Analytics

Sound analytics is an important tool to iterate the usage of sound. With this tool, we are capable to hear, analyse and adjust any project, aiming always to perfect it. More than just create solutions, we measure results using different methods, to evaluate the effectiveness of each sound project.

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Sound Research

We are a people-oriented company, where the human factor is pivotal to us, and it is what guides most of our processes. For this reason, we have the necessary expertise to develop different methods of research, that helps us to understand how sound can create emotional connections between brands and their public.

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Sound Trends

The sound is more present than ever in strategies of major brands. For this reason, is important to be aware and up to date with new trends. We can identify how emerging behavioural trends and new technologies can impact your brand through sound. From this point we present insights with everything that is newer on the sound universe, to guide your brand strategy in a practical way.

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Sound Taste

Did you ever hear about synaesthesia? It is the word used to describe the crossing sensation or spontaneous relation between two senses. Using our method, we can create sounds that potentialize the taste sensations, creating this relation between hearing and palate, to generate memorable immersive experiences.

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Audio 3D

We are on the object sound era. A new sensation of space and height, creating a complete audio atmosphere and retreating multiple sounds as if they were live. In this way, we use the 3D sound, to produce unique and memorable brand experiences with a breathtaking quality, clarity, richness of detail and surprising depth.

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Sound Activation

Do you know that great idea that was never created? We have a specialized service to develop disruptive sound actions. Through this service we take part in every stage of the process: from understanding the challenges, defining the scope, draw, research new technologies, create the prototype, until the contact and recruitment of partners that can give life to unique projects.

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