imitation rolex

Sound ID

Estratégia de marca e som.

Design e estratégia de marca também precisam ser pensados através do som. Temos uma metodologia própria criada há mais de dez anos, com reconhecimento em premiações Internacionais como ISA (International Sound Awards) e alta expertise em projetos com Marcas Locais e Globais ajudando seus gestores a compreender o impacto sonoro, desenhar o Universo Sonoro da Marca e reforçar suas estratégias, gerando resultados que vão além do som. Qual é o papel do som na sua estratégia de marca hoje?

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Key Sound

A creative synthesis to a brand idea, insight or positioning through sound, represented by music or vocal ways. It can also be used as a starting point to every material produced in a 360º communication.

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Sound Brand Guardian

We know the challenges when implementing an action plan and, the challenge to bring a holist view to all affected areas. For this reason, through this service, we manage and take the tactical control over any and all brand sound manifestation, to help teams to make sure that all strategies are correctly implemented. Furthermore, we promote the optimization of time and budget, creating tailored projects for each brand requirement.

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Sound Engagement

One of the most critical points in a brand strategy is the moment to train the teams, to make sure that all the directions are followed and implemented. More than just promote training workshops, we promote the sound education of managers and their respective team, so they can become brand ambassadors, having the independence to fully use the brand's sound guide, along with stakeholders.

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Sound Guideline

As important as creating cohesive sound strategies, is to set clear and organized sound guidelines. We have the expertise in developing a sound guide, which includes rules in a very practical and synthesized way. A strategic and easy to understand material, which speaks to the company's team, stakeholders, as well as producing agencies that are responsible for your brand communication

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Sound Logo

The sound is the fastest impulse to activate the brain if compared to sight, smell and even touch. We create memorable sound expressions, that evocate the brand's essence in a short space of time. We think about each detail, in each contact point to create an extension of the sound DNA and generate a digital brand impression through sound.

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Sound DNA

Does not matter if you are a local or global company, there is a need to transcend the language and cultural barriers to create a concise and clear brand message. Nowadays even more, when the visual aspect alone is not enough. Through our method, we can identify unexplored sound territories, creating directions to clever and strategic usage of music, voice and sounds making a brand distinct, engaging and significant.

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