imitation rolex

Sound UX

Experiência de marca e som.

Pensamos em produtos, aplicativos e serviços através do som. Desenhamos experiências sonoras centradas nas pessoas de forma estratégica. É através da escuta ativa e de uma profunda imersão no dia a dia de diferentes usuários que entendemos como o som pode ajudar a construir uma jornada mais humana e que gere impacto positivo para a marca e negócio. Como o som é levado em conta na sua estratégia UX hoje?

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Voice AI

More than just find the right voice for your app, we help you to create your vocal persona. The AI connected voice is even more present nowadays on people's and company's daily routine. Through an exclusive tool called Vocal Psychodynamic, we can understand your brand context, with whom and in which situations it will interact, always aiming to create strong connections with your public.

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Sound for Apps

It is common in a digital environment, we are impacted by a number of sound icons to catch our attention. Whether is to communicate an error or just to signalize that we can move forward to the next step. We identified, through immersions with UX teams and user research, key points to create necessary sounds that can generate positive feedback, building the connectivity and usability that your app requires.

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Sound for Devices

There are biological reasons why humans trust sound to communicate and understand the world surrounding us. Since audible signs provide feedback which generates a response or behaviour, we co-relate technical and human aspects to amplify the usage and perception toward a certain product and from this point forward, potentialize the brand acceptance.

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Soundscape Design

Our method integrates different areas such as acoustic and sound, linked to a content strategy and vocal training. Through our perception matrix, we map each stage of the journey to identify sound manifestations. By doing this we can evaluate in a holistic way how to generate a positive impact on the brand in question, as well as create a bigger emotional connection with their customers optimizing investment.

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